Thursday, March 29, 2012

New year-new me-still!!

Today has been a good day. I have been keeping to points this week, and have been very aware of my moods and my urges to eat. I have been eating the 5 fruits and veggies required of WW, so it has been a great help. I also have been drinking the 6 glasses of water. My husband and I went out to eat last night, and I had hot water with a lemon-what a nice "filler". I ate only half of my veggie omelet and I felt full.
Keeping my food diary is great for me because I can plan ahead, and account for food I want to eat ahead of time. I rarely use my weekly allowance points, but when I need a small piece of candy like a taffy or a mini-tootsie pop drop- I'm good to go!
I had some students ask me today if I wanted a birthday cupcake- it looked so good! I said "no", I'm trying to watch it- and they were very understanding! LOL Middle school kids can be so cool!
I hope my weigh -in next Monday goes well, I'm trying very hard.
With that in mind-time for dinner!
WW oven "fried" chicken, broccoli and sweet potatoes! Yum!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

New Attitude-

I went to weigh in on Monday- I lost 3.2 pounds. I am really excited about that! I had such a struggle with losing 5 and gaining it back- now I feel I am on the weight loss journey I had begaun a while ago. I have to do a lot of self talk, and a lot of planning for the food I will prepare for the week. I made myself walk w/o my husband the other day, and was quite glad I did!
I know that this is a time consuming endeavor-it's not going to happen over night-it cannot be rushed. I think that because I want instant results, I get super upset when I don't lose one week-I need to keep in mind that this took months to put on-it's going to be that way to take it off. Patience is the key, and a good attitude.
I hope everyone reading can learn what I did-relax and enjoy the new foods, fruits and veggies made a different way-adding more seafood to your diet, and a lot of water!
Keeping up with new low fat and heart healthy cookbooks are great too. I have a new magazine called Eating Healthy, and I look at the WW website for recipes, and purchase their cookbooks as well.
There are plenty of websites too-just look!
Have a great day!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

new me /new year-take 2

Well, here I am. I had to regroup and re-commit to my losing 10 pounds. I went to WW to weigh in-I am right back where I started...
I am tracking my points, giving up a few bad habits, and trying to add some good ones.
I am trying to eat the lesser meal at night, so that I won't sleep on a heavy stomach. I feel better too-especially if I go walking.
Today I was reminded of all things that I've forgotten while I am able to walk on this beautiful island of ours. I saw some water fowl; swans, geese, heron, and a little bird I'm not sure of-but it is an eye grabber! I saw boats out for early fishing, and I also saw people out and about doing their own walking and bike riding, and also yard work or home improvement work.
I am strengthened by the fact that I am not alone in this struggle to remain healthy for my "elder years" in the near future. I was greeted by many people who are around my age- late 40's, early 50's, 60's....who probably feel the exact same way I do. I need to shed that extra poundage from this winter of ours.
Fortunately we have been blessed with an early Spring-88 degrees in March in Michigan! Record breaker!
My hydrangea is beginning to sprout and so is the clematis out back near the fountain. I feel like an expectant mother when they begin to reappear in the warmth of the sun. They are truly my babies. :)
So, maybe there is a lesson to be learned by Mother Nature. Try. This is why I chose the graphic for this post. I need to try to be what I am most comfortable at-I want to be comfortable in my body-so I am going to TRY! I made the commitment (and saw myself in shorts!) and I am sticking to it!
My family may hate it, but it's for the better for them all to be involved in this.
My husband was so funny when he talked to me from out of town. He was telling me how the work area that he is at is set up so that he has to walk from one end of a convention center to the other to get his work done, so he is using the "travel" from one end to the other as exercise time. How convenient! I love it!
Well, I have some reading to do-
Sounds like a good time for tea-
Have a great week-

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Here we go again!

Well, I was off to such a good start-
I totally went off goal. No one can ever say that family stress doesn't have anything to do with weight gain! I have gained the 5# I lost back again, and I have not been tracking my points and I have felt terrible-only because of what I let myself do...
I know I don't look terrible-but I look not so good- to me! I am uncomfortable in my clothes, dressing for work is getting to be a hastle, and food just discusts me at the time being.
This weekend I am setting new goals for myself-
When I write them all down and decide a new program for myself-I will share it. I will continue to go to WW, but I think I need to sit down with myself and work out a new goal and strategies that are going to help me get on my way to losing the 10 # I need to lose.
I read the Mayo Clinic diet and it is very similar to WW- so I think I am going to find a way to combine the two, and call it my own.
I know for sure that I am definitley working in daily activity- since it is now nice outside, and I won't freeze to death walking in the cold.
Ok- this is it for today- thanks for sticking it out with me through the "thick" and "thin" of all this. LOL-
I will do this- I just need to get my poop in a group!
Have a great weekend!
Have some tea!!!!!!!!!