Monday, August 16, 2010

Afternoon Tea

Afternoon tea is one tradition that I have to thank our European and Asian ancestors for. The Europeans learned of the ancient art of tea from Asia, which was brought to Europe and eventually to America. Women enjoyed tea so much, they decided to hold afternoon teas and high teas and teas for all occasions for the sole purpose of spending time with friends.

I had an afternoon tea in early June with family members that I haven't seen in a long while. Friends of my mother also joined us, but they are now like family, so it was good to spend time with them as well.

When I was young, I never thought tea would mean so much to me. It is an event that I pour my whole self into. I have made numerous types of scones, several tea sandwiches, and a great garden vegetable quiche! (For the first time!) Every bite, every tea is a special moment for your guests. The gathering and the conversation are wonderful, but the food is what makes it a memory.

My aunts looked so shocked when they walked into the dining room. Every delicate place setting, every piece of china, all the silverware in it's place...this is what I love to present to my family. It is me-offering up to them-what I want them to take home with them.

The table was so inviting-
I was so proud to have had the ability to share what I feel was a memorable afternoon of love and friendship.

There will be a day in my life when tea will be what I do-and who I am.
It is a dream that I hope will come true-

With that on my mind-

Time for Tea!


1 comment:

  1. Elise,
    I feel like I am carrying on a conversation with you when I read your blog. Sounds like you have enjoyed the rest and relaxation this summer. Your tea looked lovely, having been able to experience a couple of them first hand I am sure it was maginficient! I know someday tea will be your business! Enjoy!
