Tuesday, March 26, 2013

It's All Worth It

Things have been crazy lately. Yes, Spring is certainly here! We seem to have found ourselves in the midst of a lot of hullabaloo-It almost feels like the Christmas rush-but it's not! Our youngest son just finished his school hockey season, wants to play in the Spring season, is on the school baseball team, and on a Travel baseball team for summer. He really keeps himself, and us, busy!
With the school year coming to an end in 2.5 months (roughly) and our oldest son finishing his 2nd year of college and looking the Police Academy in the eye-time just seems to be flying! When he turned 20 last month, I felt like my body insantaniously got old! LOL
We are looking at all the Spring and Summer projects we have to finish this year. We have our gorgeous deck to rebuild as I menioned the other day, we have an add-on room to the garage to build for the riding mower and my potting shed. We have the backyard to design/plant/develop-all wrapped up into one massive package. I can't wait!
I keep telling myself that it's all worth it in the end. Everything we are doing now, looking forward to doing, and hope to do is all worth it-it may not be easy- but well worth our time.
We all need to keep our chins up through all the hardships we may have, or the troubles we go through-
My father always said to me that "things always work out in the end". As a young girl, I never saw how- it seemed impossible. Now, I find myself saying the same thing to the boys, and even to my dearest husband. I guess I've been through enough trials in my life to see that this line of thought is usually true-
Thinking of you-

Time for Tea-


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