I feel that I need a time out. Now that the holidays are over and we are left to bide our time throughout the rest of these winter months, I find it amusing how we have all these little things to do, but it's not what we really
want to do. Sure, there are hockey games to attend, homework to help with, meetings to attend, and lots of house work to do- but why don't we take the time to do the things we really want to do, and put some of the less desirable things to the wayside for a while. The fact is, we'll get back to those things because we have to do those things, but making what we would like to do a priority is what I think will get us through this cold bout in a little more pleasant way! Let's think about those things you'd like to do; clean out your in-box, straighten your jewelry box, donate clothes you'll never wear again, crochet, stitch, draw, take photos, blog, call a friend, meet up with a friend, watch your honey bowl on bowling nights, talk with your kids-I mean, really just talk...or have a nice hot cup of tea! (With a tastey scone of course.)
Have a wonderful day-
Time for Tea-
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