Sunday, January 2, 2011

HAPPY NEW YEAR...'s hard to believe it's here. Sometimes I feel like time moves so slowly, but this year, it hasn't at all. I'm not complaining, I just hate the fact that the older we get, the quicker the calendar moves through it's months, and all the events slip by and things change...
It's hard to explain how time can move slowly, or quickly, but change seems to take it's time. Change, I've learned is always a good thing. One may not know it at first, but with time, a person adapts to the change, and it becomes routine, not a challenge.
I guess my thoughts are to embrace change, good or bad, because it can be the turning point in your life, and you wouldn't even know it. Time is what makes change valuable-it's human nature to be afraid of new, but new can mean many things to many people.
Change is always new-hence the verb, "change"...the unknown-is so valuable to us. It's how you deal with it as we grow older. What we accept, what we don't, and what we change for ourselves is how we will form our lifestyles for the remainder of our time...
I want my new year to be a year of change-and I hope I can achieve that want. I want to begin preparing for a challenging yet fun experience in the business world, I want my son to go off to college and learn everything there is to know to be the best he can be, and I want my youngest son to continue on his journey at becoming a fabulous young man. I can't forget my fiance'...I want him to be happy and appreciated for the wonderful person that he is-humorous, caring, intelligent, talented, and loving. He deserves the best for 2011, and I hope I can help in that endeavor for him.
These are all my wants, I know it sounds selfish...but it is what I think time can help with-these changes for the new year...

Time for tea-

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