Friday, January 28, 2011

Much Needed Weekend

This week has been a very strange one indeed. It was pretty roller coaster-ish with so many things on our plate. We didn't get much sleep last night due to a middle of the night call, and getting in late from our son's hockey game. As I sat in my car driving home from school today, listening to my audio book, I thought about all my classes and what we accomplished today and this week. I think they got the gist of the differences between myths and legends, but their reading comprehension lacked any connection to the plot of the text. I sometimes feel that my efforts are futile-what am I doing wrong I ask it me? Or them...?
I selected this painting for this blog because as I was still driving home in the cold and snow, I long to sit in the sunshine and have a nice brew of tea, in a calm setting with little disturbance. I am yearning for the day to come...I know this sounds silly, but I'm finding myself not finding the time I wanted to use on myself this new year as I wrote about earlier in previous blog. What happened to make time for one's self? The good intentions went away with the every day schedule life brings us.
Needless to say, we did have a wonderful dinner with my parents this week, and tonight we will have a quiet dinner since the boys are busy with friends- I just wish I could savor these times a little longer and enjoy them the way they should be enjoyed.  Does this have to wait until retirement? I certainly hope not...I have 9 years of waiting if that is the case!
Times are changing slowly as the boys get older, and things are seeming to slow down. I am seeing a vague light at the end of this tunnel...(snicker!) I just hope that I can remind myself more of enjoying the moment at the moment, not after the moment has passed.
With that thought-
Time for dinner-
then tea!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Time Out

I feel that I need a time out. Now that the holidays are over and we are left to bide our time throughout the rest of these winter months, I find it amusing how we have all these little things to do, but it's not what we really want to do. Sure, there are hockey games to attend, homework to help with, meetings to attend, and lots of house work to do- but why don't we take the time to do the things we really want to do, and put some of the less desirable things to the wayside for a while. The fact is, we'll get back to those things because we have to do those things, but making what we would like to do a priority is what I think will get us through this cold bout in a little more pleasant way!  Let's think about those things you'd like to do; clean out your in-box, straighten your jewelry box, donate clothes you'll never wear again, crochet, stitch, draw, take photos, blog, call a friend, meet up with a friend, watch your honey bowl on bowling nights, talk with your kids-I mean, really just talk...or have a nice hot cup of tea! (With a tastey scone of course.)

Have a wonderful day-
Time for Tea-

Sunday, January 2, 2011

HAPPY NEW YEAR...'s hard to believe it's here. Sometimes I feel like time moves so slowly, but this year, it hasn't at all. I'm not complaining, I just hate the fact that the older we get, the quicker the calendar moves through it's months, and all the events slip by and things change...
It's hard to explain how time can move slowly, or quickly, but change seems to take it's time. Change, I've learned is always a good thing. One may not know it at first, but with time, a person adapts to the change, and it becomes routine, not a challenge.
I guess my thoughts are to embrace change, good or bad, because it can be the turning point in your life, and you wouldn't even know it. Time is what makes change valuable-it's human nature to be afraid of new, but new can mean many things to many people.
Change is always new-hence the verb, "change"...the unknown-is so valuable to us. It's how you deal with it as we grow older. What we accept, what we don't, and what we change for ourselves is how we will form our lifestyles for the remainder of our time...
I want my new year to be a year of change-and I hope I can achieve that want. I want to begin preparing for a challenging yet fun experience in the business world, I want my son to go off to college and learn everything there is to know to be the best he can be, and I want my youngest son to continue on his journey at becoming a fabulous young man. I can't forget my fiance'...I want him to be happy and appreciated for the wonderful person that he is-humorous, caring, intelligent, talented, and loving. He deserves the best for 2011, and I hope I can help in that endeavor for him.
These are all my wants, I know it sounds selfish...but it is what I think time can help with-these changes for the new year...

Time for tea-