I selected this painting for this blog because as I was still driving home in the cold and snow, I long to sit in the sunshine and have a nice brew of tea, in a calm setting with little disturbance. I am yearning for the day to come...I know this sounds silly, but I'm finding myself not finding the time I wanted to use on myself this new year as I wrote about earlier in previous blog. What happened to make time for one's self? The good intentions went away with the every day schedule life brings us.
Needless to say, we did have a wonderful dinner with my parents this week, and tonight we will have a quiet dinner since the boys are busy with friends- I just wish I could savor these times a little longer and enjoy them the way they should be enjoyed. Does this have to wait until retirement? I certainly hope not...I have 9 years of waiting if that is the case!
Times are changing slowly as the boys get older, and things are seeming to slow down. I am seeing a vague light at the end of this tunnel...(snicker!) I just hope that I can remind myself more of enjoying the moment at the moment, not after the moment has passed.
With that thought-
Time for dinner-
then tea!!