Our team is traveling to Myrtle Beach this year for a Triple Crown tournament. We are looking forward to fun and sun, and hopefully a good turn-out from the team! Both of my boys will be on the trip with us, so it will be nice to be with both of them at the same time on a "vacation". It's harder as they grow older and more responsible (jobs) and college-to see them and spend quality time with them.
I feel like summer is flying by! The deck is not comlete, yet looking great! The books I'm wanting to read are not getting read as fst as I would like, and other summer projects are slow going...
I'll just try to take it all in stride. It's ok to not finish or do everything I wanted to get done- it'll be done in due time.
Well, hopefully everyone is either surviving the rain and floods, the heat and humidity, or both! LOL This has been a very eye opening summer for the reality of climate change and global warming!
Stay cool -
Have your tea-
Go in the pool-
and think of Me!
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