Tuesday, May 21, 2013

It's a Wonderful Life !

Hey! It's finally Spring in Michigan- the temperature hit 80 today and the boat is now un-shrink wrapped! Time to go fishing!!!!
I have 5 and 1/2 weeks left of the school year and the kids are getting anxious for the Big Day! June 12th! I have been up to my neck with NCA, NWEA, STAR, BRI, MEAP, CCSS, CA60's, PD and everything else that the world of education hands it's teachers.
I have been very pleased with my own boys-they are both doing well in school. Even my "struggler" is now on the honor roll as a sophomore and the 2nd year college student is Acing every class. What more can a mother ask for? Well, let's see: June 14th, sunny days, no hockey, a good baseball game, grilled dinners, crocheting lovely things, tea with the girls, a great book, wine, wine, wine...oh! Sorry!  LOL-
...long walks at dusk, trolling around the river with the sparkle of the sun on the crisp ebbs of water, saying, "I love you" to your boys, and knowing your husband is always there and loving you-

It's that time to appreciate what we do have, and show gratitude for being here and being healthy. Getting older makes me realize more and more what went unnoticed as a younger person. I see the changes in my boys as they become young men and I delight in the fact that they are seeing the importance of family, friends, and being true to themselves. I see, in their acitons, that I haven't been that bad of a mother- not perfect by any means, but good. They assure me in so many of their recent acitons. The trip to visit their gandparents, without being coerced, the gathering for a birthday just to spend time together, the words they say, even if it's in a TEXT! LOL

The walking cups of tea make me laugh, and I hope it does for you too! I think of the energy we get from walking alone, let alone the energy we get from a good cup of tea with friends, or with a good book on the side table.
This is the time for every BODY to stay in motion; in mind, spirit, and body.

With that in mind-
Time for a WALK!

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