Saturday, January 7, 2012

New Year-New Me! (?)

This year I have decided to dedicate my blogging to weight loss. I have to lose 10 pounds or more to feel the way I like to feel. I will be blogging my progress, my woes and my joys as I venture into this wonderful time of weight loss.
I am a confident person when it comes to losing weight. I have done it in the past and I can do it again. I have come to the acceptance and conclusion, though, that getting older certainly does have an impact on how quickly or how slowly the weight comes off.

So, the good news is that I didn't gain as much weight as I thought after going on a cruise to the Bahamas for our honeymoon, getting through the last few weeks of classes with 180- 7th graders before the holiday, plus the actual weight gain expectations of Christmas and New Years! I think that 10 pounds is very do-able and realistic. If I get to that point and I feel I need to lose more, I will rearrange my thinking.

If anyone would like to join me in this effort-feel free to comment or follow me. I am 5 feet 2 and 1/2 inches tall, and need to lose 10 pounds as I mentioned earlier. I am 47 years old, and work full time as a teacher. I have one son in college and one in high school.

I am at hockey games and practices a lot, and also love to crochet and read. I also like to walk-but here in Michigan, it can be hard to do in the winter-but it is a goal of mine to try it a couple times a week.

I will probably walk indoors with my Leslie Sansone videos for 2 and 3 mile walks after work, and maybe do some area exercises for my upper arms and thighs.
Well, here we go! I will try to post a blog every day, and talk about my goals and my successes. I will also whine about the hard part of losing weight-not eating as many baked goods as I'd like to! Although- I do have some great recipes that are low fat that I will share!

With that in mind-
Time for Tea-
(Tea is good for you!)

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