Tuesday, March 26, 2013

It's All Worth It

Things have been crazy lately. Yes, Spring is certainly here! We seem to have found ourselves in the midst of a lot of hullabaloo-It almost feels like the Christmas rush-but it's not! Our youngest son just finished his school hockey season, wants to play in the Spring season, is on the school baseball team, and on a Travel baseball team for summer. He really keeps himself, and us, busy!
With the school year coming to an end in 2.5 months (roughly) and our oldest son finishing his 2nd year of college and looking the Police Academy in the eye-time just seems to be flying! When he turned 20 last month, I felt like my body insantaniously got old! LOL
We are looking at all the Spring and Summer projects we have to finish this year. We have our gorgeous deck to rebuild as I menioned the other day, we have an add-on room to the garage to build for the riding mower and my potting shed. We have the backyard to design/plant/develop-all wrapped up into one massive package. I can't wait!
I keep telling myself that it's all worth it in the end. Everything we are doing now, looking forward to doing, and hope to do is all worth it-it may not be easy- but well worth our time.
We all need to keep our chins up through all the hardships we may have, or the troubles we go through-
My father always said to me that "things always work out in the end". As a young girl, I never saw how- it seemed impossible. Now, I find myself saying the same thing to the boys, and even to my dearest husband. I guess I've been through enough trials in my life to see that this line of thought is usually true-
Thinking of you-

Time for Tea-


Friday, March 22, 2013

Spring is Here? Well-Almost!

Well, the first day of Spring has sprung and I've yet to see a full day of sun. In Michigan, we can only expect so much. Today I am writing from a wonderful room in a wonderful hotel in a wonderful city-Chicago! We are here on business, but I look at it as total pleasure. I have a great view of the lake as I type, and the room is spacious and inviting. It is a little modern for me, which is surprising because the rest of the hotel is vintage and dated from it's conception.
I do love it here though- I will be looking for a tea house to have lunch in tomorrow after my visit to the museum. I am on my own for a whole day in the windy city! Watch out!
Tonight we visit Chinatown, and for Palm Sunday mass, we will be celebrating at one of the many beautiful Catholic churches in the city. Maybe Our Lady of Sorrows Basilica! How beautiful! 

I have begun my endeavors in the tea catering business.
So far I have my price lists for the different types of tea, the menus for each and I have purchased a new set of pink glass cups and saucers to add to the china cups and saucers I already have.
My first catered event will be in May- I am very excited about it!
I added a new Board on my Pinterest account for Tea House ideas, so that one day, when I retire, if the catering is going well, I might be able to open an actual tea house.
The ideas are endless.
I am looking forward to the Spring warm up. There is so much to be done. Our backyard is on my mind all the time. We have a deck to rebuild, and a wonderful garden to replant. I am looking forward to the times we get to spend out there. It's like another world for me since it is wooded yet elegent.
I will leave you with this:

The Deck
The deck. It runs along the entire back walls of our house. It acts as a stage for our wooded lot, brick pathway and unplanted flower gardens. I like how it is an extension of our house-bringing the life of the outdoors closer to the indoors and into our hearts.
The fireplace is a gathering space for family to sit and spend time thinking, talking, dreaming and reminiscing. The heat and the glow that casts off warmth and comfort while listening to the twilight sounds of nature.  We listen to the sound of the nocturnal owl, the light and breezy hummingbird, the noisy cicada in the trees in the summer at dusk.
I feel safe and secure in our little piece of heaven in this backyard world of ours. I feel stingy hording this space, but sharing it is not a problem. Many a treasured time has been spent with our families during a celebration of life, another year, another accomplishment. The times with the kids, trying to get a grip on what’s to happen next in their lives still ahead. Lastly, the quiet most intimate times alone with my husband, with our hands together, and just breathing in the quiet moment together.
It is a place I treasure because I am “me”-
Not a always a mother
Not always a daughter
Not always a wife
Not always a teacher
It is a place I treasure because I become “me”-
A lover of nature
A lover of family
A lover of life
Author Known :)
Time forTea-