Sunday, October 21, 2012

Reinventing One's Self

How does one go about "reinventing" one's self? I feel like I am wanting to do so much- but things that come up in life get in the way of it.

I want to become a very healthy person- all the way...not just losing 5 pounds or so, but constantly eating healthy without binging urges and worrying about how many glasses of wine can I have in order to not gain ounces!

I want to join a women's gym to make sure I keep moving in the cold months and not gain a muffin top like I usually do during these lovely Michigan winters!

I want to begin my tea catering company. I think I am ready to do this now! I have menus, I have a pricing range, I have business cards ordered, and I feel like if I don't just try it-I'll never know what might come of this want I have of creating and hosting a most wonderful tea for someone!

I want to make my husband proud of me and keep him happy because he has become the most important person in my life, besides my sons of course-but as they grow older, they are moving away from Mom, and becoming their own person. I am not their center anymore.
My husband and I have always been hard working people-it's what we came from and it's what we know-
his "retirement" was pretty short lived seeing we still needed a little more to get by with, along with my teaching paychecks. I don't do poorly there, it's just that the one high school son is still spending a lot of money on school sports, activities and etc. So, we will keep at it! :)

I have realized that we have to keep loving all of those who are important in our lives- but not to forget to love yourself as well-I think that if we forget to take care of ourselves, on every level of being-we won't be there for them when they need us!

Hot tea for me!