Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tea with a Friend

A lifelong friend took me to tea after school one day last week. It was a birthday gift! I was excited to go, since we would be going to a tea house I had never been to. It was a nice drive there, and the weather was pure FALL, my favorite season of the year.
As we pulled up, there was a huge teapot in the window advertising the establishment.
It was small, but overpouring with tea favors and essentials for a wonderful tea.
The owner served us, so we got to talk about the trials and tribulations of owning and running a tea shop. We all agreed that homemade items on the menu are the way to go! We have been to enough places to know that some tea houses don't always do that...
We enjoyed small tea sandwiches, soup, scones and delicious sweets.
The tea I chose was a loose tea with white chocolate and cherry flavors. It was delicious.
Being able to spend time with a friend like that is priceless. That sounds like the credit card commercial, but it is true! I had such a nice time talking about friends, family and our work. Having someone in your life who knows you better than you know yourself at times is a blessing. The reason I say this is because I had doubted our friendship at one time in the years gone by...but this tea made me realize that even though we had our differences, and needed time away for a while, she never forgot anything I deemed sacred. Nor I, her.
Time is definitely on our side. As women we have both gone through major life changes. We have been there for each other, and at times we haven't.
I believe friendship grows when one is left to ponder reasons why things happen, and what the significance is of having a friend there.
Now I'm not saying we talk 24/7, or call or talk every day-
I feel it is just great to know that she
is here - now.
Time for Tea!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

My Reading Students

I have charged my students with reading 40 books by year's end. I had many who fell out of their seat, many who didn't have a reaction, and some who took it as a challenge.
Every year I am confronted with students who tell me they just hate to read. They think it is boring and they won't read no matter what!
One girl said to me that she just doesn't like to read, and she will never make the 40 book goal-she kept shaking her head back and forth, saying she can't do it, her reading level is too low, and that's why she hates to read.
I had her read a very short mystery book, for her first book because it is the genre we are studying first. She did so, and then hesitated for a few days in reading her second. She kept getting a book and abandoning it. I asked her if she was having a hard time-she said yes...
She was so sure that pople would make fun of her because she has to read lower level books.
I found a great book for her on my shelf, and asked her to try it. She said, it's too thick!!! I just laughed and said, look at the print!
She said she'd try it.
She is half way done with it, and she loves it. I know this because she asked me to find the other books that were advertised in the back of the book written by the same author.

This is what makes me love my job.

Time for tea-

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Amazing Graces

It's is amazing how a few hours can change things. Having a great talk with family is what cures all ailments. Everyone is now calmed down about money and worries for the immediate future-

I guess I was wrong about 17 year olds, they just need time to think things through-to see more than one viewpoint.

It also helps when you have someone to support you when explaining things that are difficult to explain. Even though I am usually good at converstation, when it comes to your kids, it isn't always that easy.

We can all rest easy tonight-

Tomorrow is a new day-

Tea time!


Happy Days

I am sitting here after talking to my 17 year old about money-
Wow- how times have changed! I can't understand how a kid without a job can think that parents should just owe them money to have a social life. I don't mind helping out now and then, but I think it's getting a little out of hand!
I give to my kids all the time, it is my job to make sure they have whatever they need-but can it be pushed too far?
Baseball, hockey, football, dances, trips, gas, insurance, clothes, pictures, fundraisers, video games, birthday, holidays, and good grades...
The list goes on-
I wish it would end.
Knowing that one is graduating is exciting and scary-I don't know how he will do it without knowing the true value of hard work and money-
and how disciplined one has to be to educate yourself and spend money wisely.
I've had my share of money issues, still do! But these kids today who are so spoiled by their post baby boomer parents are in for a huge surprise!
This is one time I can honestly say that I am glad I am not a teenager again!

Time for some TEA!